Intermediate 2

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Saturday, August 13, 2011

"Streets of Gold"

Our tribute to Alex Miller.  We missed you this year and will miss you until we are all together again on that wonderful day !

Monday, July 18, 2011

We had camp pics taken Sunday and we took cabin pics as well. The first one is the whole camp, Girls cabin 1, then the whole camp and Girls cabin 2.

Here's cabin 4, per your request:

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Just a few more pics from Saturday:

Welcome back!

Registration went smoothly, for the most part. Larg fans in the room kept things comfortable while everyone waited patiently to sign in

Some of the activites on Saturday were basketball, swimming, getting to know you, team building...well here just check it out for yourself:

Friday, July 15, 2011


Sunday, November 14, 2010

Follow the Opposite Way !

What an awesome week at Intermediate 2 this year.

We saw Jesus in everything and felt His love all week. Now that you are all home - remember to follow Jesus and live the way He wants you to. Live Opposite what the world tells you. Live for Him.

And remember why He did it all - He Loves You !

Enjoy the slideshow !

Friday, August 13, 2010

and here's the pix for Cabin 6!

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Girls cabin 9

Ask and ye shall receive:

It's Thursday and we're still going strong

We woke up to rain this morning: fortunately most brought rain gear or they adapted quickly:

We had a water fun day yesterday, thank goodness the weather stayed perfectly HOT and dry so EVERYONE was thrilled to get wet: the object here was to PULL your counselor UP the slip and slide needless to say there was WAY more "sliding DOWN" than there was "pulling up" going on . Water balloons and big wet sponges were involved in parts of this activity as well so everyone pretty much left drenched, just the way we like it! OH and the campers had a chance to "pay back" their counselors in a most rewarding way:

We had another campfire and then a movie to end the day..... I suspect most campers had no problem sleeping last night and that most counselors wished they could have stayed awake long enough to appreciate it!
On an aside, I'm going to try and make sure this doesn't post with a huge space at the end so I don't recieve an abundance of razzing by certain individuals (you know who you are).
I'll see if the internet will let me post another issue of "Intermediate 2 - Days of Our Lives" later tonight. Enjoy!

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Skyler's Letter to Mom

Dear Mom,
I miss you a lot!!! I made new friends. Their names are Austin, Devin, Jake, and Isaac. Camp Manatawny has awesome food. I have done 3 memory verses. Then I got seven pixie sticks. After that I made a duct tape wallet in crafts. Its teal and camo. I played Frisbee with friends.


Skyler Erb

Time to check out some more pics!

So let's see, we left off with Sun. night...Mon. brought us another clear but very hot day. The kids all seem to be doing well, better than some of the staff actually! I got that pic of boys Cabin 8 per the request and here they are:

Not only did we get a pic of them, they are todays winners for cabin cleaning! That's right, you heard it here first.

A typical day here at camp begins with calisthenics, doesn't that look fun?

Another camp ritual is frequently heard in line for every meal, Slap Billy Ola:

The boys go all out at athletics, even on hot days. We keep jugs of water out for all our atheletes.

Girls cabin 4 taking a break from atheletics to pose for the camera:
Thanks girls.
Ok well that's all for me today, keep checking back for more fun stuff.

Monday, August 09, 2010


It's been an incredibly busy two days here at camp and we have the pics to prove it. Of course everything began Sat. with check in:

It wasn't long before the kids were up and running (straight to the pool that is):

After boys swim, there were some "getting to know you/team building" activities:

This was all about working together to keep the ball in the air and then they tied themselves into human knots then had to untangle themselves:

We ended a great day with a rowdy campfire:

Sunday brought us another beautiful day filled with bible classes, worship, more swimming, archery, arts & crafts, special activities and we ended the day with an enthusiastic creek walk. The creek rang out with laughter, shouts, splashing and general fun to be had by all, it seemed:

Check back tomorrow for more pics and updates.

It's Monday !

God is Good !

We have been having a blast for the past couple of days and learning SO much. Our kids have been doing memory work, competing in athletics, enjoying their bible classes, meeting new friends, and singing their hearts out in praise to our awesome God !

We are learning that Jesus wants us to go the Opposite Way from the world and last night we learned how difficult that can be. We had a creek walk and went UP the Manatawny creek. Ask your kids how it feels to be the 1st Manatawny session (that we know of) to go UP the creek. They were awesome !

Your kids are all GREAT ! Thank you for bringing them here this week.

Andy (director)

Saturday, August 07, 2010

I2 Great first day!

We had a great first day at camp! Already starting to forge new friends and catchup with old ones. It is amazing how close I feel to God when I'm here. The kids singing tonight really made that happen. They poured everything they had into their singing tonight. God is good All the time and All the time God is good!

Friday, August 06, 2010


Here we go, are you ready? Come one come all... bring your desire to have fun, learn, play hard, reconnect with old friends and meet new ones and just enjoy a wonderful week of praise and worship. See you there :D.

Friday, July 30, 2010

Barely one week to go. Don't forget to pack your bible, flashlight and pillow. See you soon :D.

Monday, July 26, 2010

Less than 2 weeks - R U READY ?

Hey Int2 Family - just think - in less than 2 weeks we will all be going the "Opposite Way". What will He do thru you and in you this year ?

Saturday, August 15, 2009

And now....Time to Shine !

Ok Int2 - we talked, we learned, we sang ... now take it and CHANGE YOUR WORLD !

While you are doing that - enjoy the slideshow !

We love you all !

Friday, August 14, 2009

Glorious Girls 2

This week has been absolutely amazing. God is good! Girl's 2 has a great group of girls this year. We have starring in our cabin, Amber, Brittany, Elizabeth, Sarah, Tiana and Lauren. They have all become close friends and inspiring to each other. They have tried new things, like riding horses and archery, sang their hearts out during beautiful times at praise time, star gazed under God's massive sky - at which time girls 2 spotted 6 shooting stars - It has truly been a God inspired week. Each one has grown in their own way but all have grown because of the one and only true God. The girls are so excited they have all memorized and recited at least 6 verses and some almost all 12! It is already Friday and we are all saddened at the thought of leaving this place tomorrow but are blessed because of the spirit of God that is in this place. Girls Cabin #2 is having a great time!

Boys 3 Update 2

As you've heard from other posts we are still having a great time. It's hard to believe that the week is almost over. Everyone has grown so much from the time they've been dropped off to now. Our cabin won the Tug of War the other day and (as you can see in the picture below) we served lunch to all of the campers. All of our boys have been trying to help each other and go out of their way to make sure everyone has a good time.

Today is our last full day to spend together and we will be finishing the week strong. From flag raising in the morning to camp fire songs and prayers in the evening, every second of this week has been amazing. Check back because I'm sure we will be posting more pictures as the day goes on. Thanks! <3


Thursday, August 13, 2009

Heaven's Gate

For the Challenge Course Activity we learned that we don't only need to believe in Jesus to get to heaven, but we also need to actively participate in helping each other in our walk with God.
Girls 3 & 4 and Boys 3 & 4 worked TOGETHER and accomplished getting into heaven.

thurs RAIN!

Boy's 3 served us breakfast this AM!
Manatawny McMuffins!!!
Boy's 8 in line for another fab breakfast!

Boy's 3 ate last since they served the the entire camp
not exactly sure how their cabin inspection went since they were not left with much time to clean

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

The Shining Stars

So many of YOUR children are shining like stars at camp this week. We are honored to have them here at camp, thank you. So much is going on every day and all of our time is filled with activities.

Tonight we have had the brightest star this week when Alicia decided to be baptized. It was simple and yet poignant.

Girls Cabin 4!!

Girls Cabin 4 is having a great time so far! In our cabin we have Tatum, Jenna, Hannah, Lizzie, Macey and Alexia. Our cabin is all decked out with some fun decorations including Larry the Lobster and Parrot the...well...parrot, of course! (c: We've riden horses, went up to the low ropes course, and played kickball. The girls really have some fierce kickball skills! This afternoon we served lunch for the camp and wore some pretty gorgeous hairnets! Now we know what it's like for the cooks who work so hard to serve us each day! We also got a score of 100 on our clean cabin this morning.

Our cabin is growing closer and closer each day and we are growing closer to God, which is the most important thing. We are learning our memory verses and having some great devotionals at night. We're also up late into the night laughing and enjoying each other's company. The week is flying but we are so grateful to have such a great cabin of girls.

-Sarah and Amanda, counselors of Girls 4


Camp Manatawny is awesome! I've been at camp for 8 years now and it is great! I love the horses. They're so pretty!! I love the river. It's so awesome! Camp Manatawny is such a great place to learn about God and He's awesome too!

Camp Manatawny rules!
Macey (Girls 4)

Challenge Course....AGAIN!!!!

Girls 1 & Boys 1 completed the Cable Walk and got to have FUZZY for the day. FUZZY was so dirty that Girls 1 graciously washed FUZZY which for some reason has caused FUZZY to become super sticky....we may have to roll him in dirt!

Random Pics!

Our counselors are secretly Power Rangers!
Girls 9 is having a wonderful week! Theyve all been so respectful and are having a lot of fun meeting new people and making new friends. They're all learning so much about God and asking wonderful questions! I'm sure they plan to keep up this behavior!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Following His instructions !

Today we found out that we all want to get to heaven - so we really need to listen and follow how God wants us to live. Jesus died for us, so why should we follow anyone else ?

We have been playing, praising, and learning more of how God wants us to "Shine Like Stars".

Check out these few pix !